ANUFOOD Brazil 2022 – FGV Europe and FGV Agro are Co-organizers of the Trade Fair

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For the second time, FGV Europe and FGV Agro are co-organizing ANUFOOD BRAZIL 2022, an exclusive Trade Show for the Food and Beverage Sector, powered by ANUGA.

FGV Europe brings its extensive expertise in promoting international events, establishing strategic partnerships between Brazilian and European institutions, in addition to developing bilateral and multilateral technical advisory projects. FGV Agro, is positioned as a ‘think tank’ focused on the Brazilian agribusiness and its development.

In this way, national and international buyers, through the capillarity of FGV and Koelnmesse, have the opportunity to meet to do business, share knowledge and learn about product innovations, as well as participate in strategic discussions on the industry development, such as consumer trends and the future of food safety.

In 2019, FGV Europe and FGV Agro, together with Koelnmesse GmbH, for the first time, brought the world’s largest food and beverage fair “Anuga” to Brazil: ANUFOOD Brazil. Since then, the fair happened annually. In 2021, due to the pandemic, ANUFOOD Brazil did not take place. 

Cesar Cunha Campos, director of FGV Europe, highlights the importance of the ANUFOOD fair in the national economy and the fair as a reference in the sector – “ANUFOOD Brazil 2022, in addition to boosting the generation of new business for the Brazilian and international public, reaffirms its role as a platform for strengthening industry and retail, through exclusive content with the latest trends and innovations.”

ANUFOOD Brazil 2022 will be held as a hybrid event and also include a new digital platform that will offer a highly interactive exhibitor showroom and online matchmaking to provide additional reach to our new business generation activities for the Food and Beverage industry.

ANUFOOD Brazil is an exclusive Trade Show for the Food and Beverage Sector – it is the only event in Latin America totally dedicated to the companies of various segments of the food and beverage sector, as well as pioneering in enhancing the agribusiness sector and its natural products.

FGV Europe and FGV Agro will also be present at the upcoming ANUGA Food Fair in Cologne from October 9 till 13, 2021. 

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ANUFOOD Brazil 2022 – FGV Europe and FGV Agro are Co-organizers of the Trade Fair
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