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An important milestone was reached as FGV, FGV Europe, and the Ministry of the Environment of Brazil signed, on May 16th 2022, in Brasília, Brazil, the technical cooperation agreement for the Amazon Sustainable Landscapes (ASL) II project.
This project is an initiative funded by the GEF (Global Environment Facility) and is part of the Amazon Sustainable Landscapes (ASL), a regional program specifically focused on the Amazon, involving Brazil, Colombia and Peru.
The World Bank is the program implementing agency, whose main guideline is the preservation of the integrated vision of the biome, promoting the sustainability of protected area systems, reducing threats to biodiversity, increasing carbon stock, developing good forest management practices and strengthening policies and plans aimed at the conservation and recovery of natural resources degraded areas.
During the meeting there was also the opportunity to align the next project actions as the project prepares to start in the next coming months.
Representatives from the Ministry of the Environment of Brazil, The World Bank and FGV Europe, participated in the meeting, held in hybrid manner: Marta Giannichi, Secretary of Amazon and Environmental Services at the Ministry of the Environment of Brazil, Julie Messias, Director of the Department of Ecosystems at the Ministry of the Environment of Brazil, Otávio Gadiani Ferrarini, Environmental analyst and Project Manager at the Ministry of the Environment of Brazil, Bernadete Lange, Senior Environmental Specialist at The World Bank, Cesar Cunha Campos, Director at FGV Europe, Francisco Torres de Sá, Advisor of Finance and Compliance at FGV Europe, Giuliano Marchini Senatore, Project Manager and Head of Agriculture and Environment Projects at FGV Europe, Cleber Lima Guarany, Project Manager and Head of Agriculture and Environment Projects at FGV Europe.
Click here to learn more about the Amazon Sustainable Landscapes (ASL) II project.
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