BRAZIL200 | Cesar Cunha Campos participated as a speaker

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2022 marks the 200th anniversary of Brazil’s Declaration of Independence and 180 years of trade relations between Brazil and Norway.

In celebration of this, the Brazilian-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce presented an exclusive event highlighting the best of Brazilian culture.

On November 1st at 1:55 p.m., Cesar delivered a talk called “View from the boardroom: Brazil after elections“, in which he commented on the economic and political decisions affecting business and trade.

In his presentation, Cesar gave a brief overview of the Brazilian political scenario, the relationship between Brazil and Norway, and the Brazilian agriculture and energy sector.

The Event took place at Sentralen in Oslo. The three-day event offered curated content on business, culture, entrepreneurship, fashion, and sustainability.

For more information: Click here.

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BRAZIL200 | Cesar Cunha Campos participated as a speaker
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