Explore both Directories "Brazilian Institutions in Germany" and "German institutions in Brazil"
We’re excited to present the latest directory, a collaborative effort by Deutsch-Brasilianische Gesellschaft / TÓPICOS, Instituto Sócio-Cultural Brasil-Alemanha, and Câmara de Comércio e Industria Brasil-Alemanha de São Paulo. This comprehensive guide spans 160 pages, capturing the essence of German-Brazilian relations.
The Directory includes:
- Bilateral State Institutions and Parliamentary Relations
- Municipal and State-level Partnerships
- Universities and Think Tanks
- Cultural Associations
- Associations, Magazines, Foundations
- Religious Communities
We are also proud to share that FGV Europe is featured within this directory. This inclusion highlights our commitment to fostering ties between the two nations and contributing to the rich cultural and academic exchanges that define German-Brazilian relations.
Explore both Directories “Brazilian Institutions in Germany” and “German institutions in Brazil”: Click here