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Exploring Brazil's Hydrogen Market Potential
On October 12th, our expert, Marco Contardi, shared valuable insights at Italy’s Hydrogen Energy Summit&Expo. He was a featured speaker at the H2TechForum, organized by the Italian Hydrogen Association (H2IT). The focus of the session was “Latin American hydrogen market development, strategies, and opportunities, with a special emphasis on Brazil.”
Brazil’s Hydrogen Advancements: Marco highlighted Brazil’s rapid strides in structuring its hydrogen value chain, primarily driven by the Brazilian Hydrogen Association (ABH2).
Massive Investment Potential: He also showcased the extensive portfolio of large-scale hydrogen projects across multiple Brazilian states, with an investment potential exceeding 30 billion dollars.
Collaborative Engagement: After the event, Marco engaged in fruitful discussions and project prospecting with industry leaders and experts from various organizations.
We extend our gratitude to Cristina Maggi, H2IT, ABH2, and the Embassy of Brazil for their invaluable contributions to this event. Stay tuned for more insights as we continue to foster global partnerships in sustainable energy solutions.
For those eager to explore further, you can find Marco’s presentation from the event here: