Roadshow of the Coastal Crossings System Concession of São Paulo to be held on February 03, 2022.

RoadShow of the Waterfront Crossing System Concession will be held on February 03, 2022, at 2 pm, at B3.

The Secretariat for Strategic Actions and Projects, through the Undersecretariat for Partnerships, together with ARTESP – Regulatory Agency for Delegated Public Transportation Services of the State of São Paulo, and with the support of FGV Europe and FGV Projetos, invites operators, investors, funds and other qualified potential interested parties to the Roadshow for the presentation of the Concession of the Coastal Crossings System of the State of São Paulo (“Project”), which will be held on February 03, 2022, at 2 pm, and will be broadcasted by B3 TV (

The Project consists in the concession of the public services of operation, conservation, maintenance, and investments necessary for the adequacy and exploration of the water transportation system for vehicles and passengers, called Sistema de Travessias Litorâneas do Estado de São Paulo (Coastal Crossings System of the State of São Paulo), as defined in the Final Tender Protocol, Contract, and Annexes available at

Considering the importance of the constant dialogue with the market for the disclosure of investment opportunities in the State Privatization Program’s project portfolio, as well as for fostering the competitive nature of the bidding, during the Roadshow, it will be possible to send questions to the exhibitors via the platform’s chat.

In addition, after the general presentation of the Project, we invite interested parties to individual meetings for clarification of doubts, which will be held at B3’s headquarters, in São Paulo, between 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM, with an estimated duration of 45 minutes.

For the individual meeting, we request an appointment through the link: until January 28, 2022. Confirmation of the requested time will be sent via e-mail.

In case you are interested in sending questions during the general Roadshow presentation, please register in advance by email to the following address: by February 01, 2022. Confirmation of registration will occur via e-mail.

For more information, please access:


3. February 2022    
GanztägigAll day

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Roadshow of the Coastal Crossings System Concession of São Paulo to be held on February 03, 2022.
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