Participation in the International Agricultural Summit, AGRF 2023

Stock photo author: Maxon Tan

In September 2023, Cleber Guarany and Giiuliano Senatore participated in the AGRF 2023 Summit held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The summit focused on advancing sustainable practices in agriculture under the theme “Recover, Regenerate, Act: Africa’s Solutions to Food Systems Transformation.”

The event aimed to rebuild resilient food systems and promote food sovereignty, with a particular emphasis on empowering youth and women. It outlined three key steps for achieving this transformation: Recovery, Regenerate, and Act.

  • Recovery involved strategies to rebuild food systems after crises and shocks.
  • Regenerate emphasized renewing natural resources through adaptation, innovation, and technology for sustainable food production in a changing climate.
  • Act called for urgent action to accelerate food systems transformation through enhanced policies, practices, and investments.

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Participation in the International Agricultural Summit, AGRF 2023
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