Brazil and the EU Cooperation on Hydrogen Valleys

Brazil and the EU Cooperation on Hydrogen Valleys

Think @ FGV Europe | Green Hydrogen Series | Part V

Think @ FGV Europe | Green Hydrogen Series | Part 5: BRAZIL AND EU COOPERATION ON HYDROGEN VALLEYS

Discover new perspectives and insights from research developed by our experts at FGV Europe in our new “Think @ FGV Europe” format. This article is the last part of the Green Hydrogen series.

The cooperation between Brazil and Europe could be a strategic partnership to shape a significant and innovative market – the hydrogen market – to help address climate change targets and keep competitiveness over time.

In this article, we focus on the potential and strategic partnership between Brazil and European countries in a Smart Specialization Strategies for Sustainability (S4) approach to get win-win solutions and contribute to the global energy transition.

Given the characteristics of the Brazilian and European hydrogen markets, the question arises which is the object on which we foresee fruitful and potential cooperation between Europe and Brazil to achieve global environmental agenda, competitive, innovation and trade opportunities?

Meet our expertsMarco Contardi, Marco Ristuccia & Andrea Raccichini

Enjoy the reading of the full report!

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Brazil and the EU Cooperation on Hydrogen Valleys
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