European Hydrogen Valleys

European Hydrogen Valleys

Think @ FGV Europe | Green Hydrogen Series | Part III

Think @ FGV Europe | Green Hydrogen Series | Part 3: EUROPEAN HYDROGEN VALLEYS

Discover new perspectives and insights from research developed by our experts at FGV Europe in our new “Think @ FGV Europe” format. This Article is part of a series on Green Hydrogen.

It expands on the European experiences in the green hydrogen market, specifically the Hydrogen Valleys Model.

The Hydrogen Valleys Model is a strategic innovation and sustainable model of hydrogen production and consumption in Europe.

The green hydrogen experiences are Smart Specialization Strategies for Sustainability (S4) cases that are contributing to reaching climate change objectives and sustainable development goals, through innovation and territorial socioeconomic development.

Meet our expertsMarco Contardi, Marco Ristuccia & Andrea Raccichini

Enjoy the reading of the full report!

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European Hydrogen Valleys
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