Think @ FGV Europe | Green Hydrogen Series | Part II
Think @ FGV Europe | Green Hydrogen Series | Part 2: HYDROGEN MATTERS FOR GREEN TRANSITION
Discover new perspectives and insights from research developed by our experts at FGV Europe in our new “Think @ FGV Europe” format. This Article is part of a series on Green Hydrogen.
Governments and market players around the world– are now focusing on “green hydrogen” due to its sustainable features (net-zero route) and cost-technical enhancement. Such energy carrier is crucial for the green transition of current economies, contributing to decarbonize industries that nowadays are using massively fossil fuels.
In this article we analyze the role of Hydrogen in the green transition and the relevance of international cooperation to foster hydrogen market, focusing on the relation between Brazil and Europe.
Meet our experts: Marco Contardi, Marco Ristuccia & Andrea Raccichini