Strategic Overview on Hydrogen

Strategic Overview on Hydrogen

Think @ FGV Europe | Green Hydrogen Series | Part I

Think @ FGV Europe | Green Hydrogen Series | Part 1: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW ON HYDROGEN

Discover new perspectives and insights from research developed by our experts at FGV Europe in our new “Think @ FGV Europe” format. This Article is part of a series of articles on Green Hydrogen.

In post-covid era, economies around the world are putting all the efforts to conceive and deploy a green and digital recovery for the sake of the whole population, natural ecosystems and economy.

Given that scenario, the energy sector has a key role to cope with climate change threat.

The journey to a clean, efficient, secure and affordable energy transition is undergoing and it will last for a long a time. It needs stakeholders’ efforts in order to really deploy sustainable innovations in the energy market. One of the promising innovations, that can contribute to enhance such challenging energy scenario is hydrogen, specifically green hydrogen and related hydrogen valley model.

Meet our expertsMarco Contardi, Marco Ristuccia & Andrea Raccichini

Enjoy the reading of the full report!

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Strategic Overview on Hydrogen
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