Renewable Energies

Identifying innovative solutions
to tackle the effects of climate change

Pioneering approaches to address the challenges presented by climate change

FGV Europe’s commitment to sustainability acknowledges the imperative of addressing climate change, striving to implement responsible practices, and contributing to a resilient future for upcoming generations. Societies face a heterogeneous range of risks that should be minimized and avoided. New development models must be designed and implemented including environmental aspects as an essential factor to generate value for society. The Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are the key global framework that defines our efforts.

Thus, we work to generate knowledge and implement projects in a set of main areas to tackle climate change: renewable energies, waste management, natural capital and ecosystem services, sustainable landscape, and sustainable finance.

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The mission brings a great opportunity for those who build public policies and develop projects to experience the daily life of the local community, and from this to be able to build projects and actions that truly meet local needs.


This report helps identify the importance of the cooperation between Brazil and Europe as a strategic partnership to shape a significant and innovative market - the hydrogen
The cooperation between Brazil and Europe could be a strategic partnership to shape a significant and innovative market - the hydrogen market - to help address climate


The Brazilian Think Thank in Europe

FGV Europe has a deep understanding of the Brazilian economy, institutions and society and has privileged access to business opportunities, high-level decision-makers, and potential project partners.

Related activities

Objective: “Support Brazil’s low carbon transition to secure, affordable and clean energy which powers its economic development”.
Objective: Study and sustainable exploitation of agricultural potential in 12 countries in the Tropical Belt, 6 of which are located in Africa: Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mozambique, Senegal
Renewable Energies
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